Filo Coupons, Promo Codes and Offers

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Get 25% Off on All Classes
Use this Filo coupons and buy a 1-year plan at Rs 99,000 only.
Rs.25 Rs.35
Get 20% Discount for 6 Months Classes
Use this Filo coupons and buy 6 Month plan at Rs 52,000 only.
Rs.20 Rs.35
Get 15% off on 3 Month Online Classes
Use this Filo coupons and buy a 3-month plan for three months.
Rs.15 Rs.20

Top Filo Coupons, Promo Codes, and Offers:

Filo Promo Code Offer Details Offer Validity
Filo Coupon Code for New Users Get 15% off on 3 Month Online Classes 31/03/2024
Filo Promo Code for Old Users Get 25% Off on All Classes 31/03/2024
Filo Offer Code for this Month Get 20% Discount for 6 Months Classes 31/03/2024

Filo Coupon Code

About Filo Coupons:

Filo is one of the world's best tutoring platforms where learners can join and take online classes.

This platform is all about teaching or providing information to students and solving their problems digitally.

This Filo company was launched by Imbesat Ahmad, who brought this online tutorial in the 20th century.

When Filo did not come to India, then that time a few of the platforms were available, and after coming, the student was happy because it provided good study materials.

It has been providing services since 2020, and if I talk about the competitors, then Edurev is in the first queue to provide learning services.

Millions of users use this e-learning platform, and over 3 million students are happy because of the best educators.

Filo has more than 60,000 expert tutors worldwide and provides 80,000 daily classes.

Because of the educators & teaching, it has got the best tutoring Indian education rewards and no limit on joining.

This amazing thing is that you can learn from any educators in 60,000 to the world, and all are graduates of good universities. Its associative are ISRO, British Council, NITI Ayog, IISC, IISER, AIIMS, IIT Bombay, and more.

Additionally, it has made the largest & popular school partners like DWPS, Modern Public School, SRPschool, Tagore International School, GEMS education, BVM, and so on.

Moreover, it provides an opportunity for those who want to teach in the Filo, and they can apply for it.

The interesting thing is that it runs on every device, either Android or IOS, Tablets including iPad, and desktops consisting of all browsers.

On the other hand, there are two ways to get your answer to the problems: uploading a photo of the problems or connecting with a tutor in 60 seconds.

How to Open an Account on Filo?

STEP 1: Tap on the Filo website link from the given page and visit the page to check its web service.

STEP 2: After checking the service, search for the Android app and find it on the Google play store.

THIRD STEP: Next, start registering as a Student or Tutor if you choose a student.

FOURTH STEP: So enter your mobile number, name, DOB, and verification code, and submit it.

LAST STEP: Now, you will move to the page and start doing the online process.

How to Buy a Premium Plan in Filo?

1) You can access the free classes because you have registered for them.

2) Now, if you need private classes, you must must purchase a subscription plan.

3) So you will see many subscription plans, like one month, one year, or three months.

4) Then, pick any plans from the Filo section, and you need to pick only one.

How to Enter Coupons on Filo Products?

1) Once you pay, then you cannot change the plan later, so alter it if you want others.

2) Go to the page and move there, then it asks you to pay.

3) Apply discount coupons and complete your payment.

How to Contact Filo Support Team?

The Filo support team is always to help the student, and also, if the students have to ask more queries, then they can use these ways:

  • Email id:
  • Social Page: Facebook.

Filo Coupons FAQs:

Is Filo app free for students?

Somewhere, its service is free for all the students and it has designed in that ways, where the students can get their solutions just by uploading a photo of problems.

How can I save money on the plans?

It provides you the discount deals for all the time and if you make a purchase of a high value, then you will save money on it.

Is Filo have the best educators?

Filo has only the expert educators and they teach or provide the best information to the students.

Finally Watch the Related Video:

Process this video by tapping on it and listening to the Filo plans.

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