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Magzter Gold Offer: In this offer post, I am going to tell you about an amazing Magzter offer, After reading this offer post, you will get the below-given ...
Top Magzter Coupons, Promo Codes & Offers:
Magzter Promo Code | Offer Details | Offer Validity |
Magzter Coupon Code for New Users | Get Fat Up to 86% Off on All Magazines | 31/03/2024 |
Magzter Promo Code for Old Users | Purchase Any Magazines Worth Rs 20 | 31/03/2024 |
Magzter Offer Code for a Month | Get 50% Off on 1 Year Subscription | 31/03/2024 |
About Magzter Coupons:
Magzter is World's largest online reading platform, which provides digital news, stories, magazines, and newspapers.
The users can access more than 5000 online magazines and newspapers for seven days.
As we know that, Magzter headquarter is located in New York, United States, but the founder of this platform are Indians, Mr. Girish Ramdas and Vijaykumar Radhakrishnan.
It provides a free trial for new users. You can read online from business, news, sport, lifestyle, cooking, entertainment, fashion, technology, automotive, cooking, and more categories.
Also, it offers a new feature to its customer, that the users can read digital news anytime and anywhere globally. Additionally, when the users offline, also they can read online news.
It has a membership plan named Magzter Gold. In the Magzter gold plan, the users will get a free trial for seven days, and then after the ending of the free trial, the monthly payment will automatically deduct from your account.
Remember, you can turn off the membership plan before the end of the current membership month. Understood some of the different membership plans like:
- Magzter Gold Elite: The users can access only five magazines and cancel the plan anytime
- Magzter Gold: In this plan, The users can read 5000+ magazines, premium stories, share with four family members, and cancel the subscription any time.
- Business Magzter: This plan is only for businessmen who are searching digital magazines, a newspaper for their employees.
For your information, I will tell you that Magzter adjusts the size of their content in any device like iPad, iPhone, and Android devices. So, you can access this Magzter platform on any device with your log in account.
How to Become a Member of Magzter?
To become a member of Magzter, you must follow the below benefits.
STEP 1: Download the Magzter app or use the Magzter web platform to create your new account.
STEP 2: After downloading the Magzter app > open it and signup with email, existing Facebook, or existing Twitter account.
After login, you will receive a reward of a free trial from the Magzter. By using you can read the popular brand of newspapers like The Times of India, Hindustan Times, The Indian Express, The statesman, and much more newspapers available here.
If you have a problem that the above-given newspaper is in English format, then do not worry. You can alter the newspaper languages from more than 45 languages like Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Spanish, Kannada, Punjabi, French, Bengali, Turkey, Indonesia, Romanian, and more.
How to Purchase Membership From Magzter?
STEP 1: After login with your account, tap on the Gold button from the given page.
STEP 2: Next, choose any of the plans and make your online payment with a credit or debit card, net banking, and wallets.
After completing your transaction, this membership plan will add to your account. Be careful! Do not break the rules and don't access this Magzter service in any countries which are prohibited by the United States government.
How to Apply Coupons on Magzter?
1) After visiting the membership page > select your subscription plan as per your need.
2) Then, apply the coupon code in the blank field given on the payment page and complete your transaction.
Once the payment is completed, your plan will activate within a few seconds. For any further queries regarding the Magzter terms, you can contact me through email address.
How to Contact Magzter Support?
Magzter support is good for their customers. They can ask with them about any issues related with the products or services. You can contact with many options from Monday to Sunday at 9 AM to 6 PM:
- Email ID: help@magzter.com
- Contact Number: (646) 756-2524.
- Chat with social media.
Magzter Coupons FAQs:
How Much Does Magzter Cost?
Magzter has various subscription plans but it has a minimum plan limit is Rs 208 per month and maximum limit is Rs 399 per month.
Is Magzter Good?
Magzter is online reading platform, this platform is good just because of it provides the best and popular news, magazines, and newspapers.
Does Magzter Have Hindu?
Magzter have The Hindustan times of India, which is India's best newspaper that provide proper information.
What is Magzter Membership?
Magzter Membership is a paid membership plan, which includes a lot of benefits like access magazines, read premium stories, and many more.
Can I Read Magzter on Laptop?
After making an account on the Magzter, you can read Magzter stories, and news on your Laptop.
Finally Watch Related Video:
Click on to know how to get a one-year subscription on Magzter with some discounts.