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Paytm Bingo MadAngles Offer: Get Free Paytm Cash Now

Paytm Bingo MadAngles Offer: In this post, I will introduce a new offer named Paytm Bingo MadAngles.

Take a few steps to complete this offer, and you will earn substantial Paytm cash:

  • Rs 50 Paytm cash.
  • Buy Bingo pack and earn cash.
  • Redeem into a Paytm wallet.
  • And much more.


I have also purchased a Bingo MadAngles, snack pack and I got a free cash reward.

Paytm reward

Do you know what I am talking about?

I am talking about Bingo Paytm offer, and you can also say it Paytm Bingo MadAngles offer. Why?

For the reason that both the offers are the same, you can call it anything. So what I am going to tell you here?

I will tell you how to use the Paytm MadAngles pack coupon code or voucher code on the Paytm website and much more.

A few days ago, Paytm launched a new offer in association with Bingo.

Paytm Bingo MadAngles Offer

In this offer, Bingo provides free Paytm cash when their customer purchases Bingo MadAngles packets from their nearby store or any e-commerce website like Paytm mall, Amazon, and Flipkart.

Apart from free Paytm cash, Bingo also provides a chance to win movie tickets daily and a chance to win Rs 1 lakh Paytm cash weekly.

So now let me tell you about the Paytm MadAngles offer, Bingo Paytm offer, or Paytm bingo MadAngles offer.

Also check:

Do you want to redeem your code into the Paytm wallet?

Then follow the steps.

Paytm madAngles offer

Paytm MadAngles Offer Terms:

1. Get Free Paytm Cash Now

1) The Participants must have to give an answer to the question in a contest to get a chance to win Paytm movie vouchers/cash of Rs 1 lakh.

2) Users have a right to choose different flavours of Bingo MadAngles.

3) Multiple entries per customer are allowed, but a customer can win a reward only once.

4) Before participating in this offer, the users have a valid Paytm account.

5) This offer is run for a short period, so grab it before it expires.

How to Avail Paytm Bingo MadAngles Offer:

1) First of all visit, your nearby shop to purchase the Paytm Bingo MadAngles pack.

2) As I told above, you can also buy the same from e-commerce websites like Amazon.

3) But make sure the pack is labelled by Bingo Paytm offer or Paytm MadAngles offer.

4) After that, open the pack and eat all the finger chips, then you will find a code inside the pack.

5) Now, note your code anywhere on your copy using a pen or not on your notepad on your smartphone.

6) You need to go on Paytm MadAngles Offer Page > on this page enter, your noted code or copied code.

8) The answer to this Why is Bingo! Is mad Angles your favourite snack? Question> you can answer this question in your language and then click on proceed.

9) Now, you have to sign in on Paytm, so complete your sign-in process > you also need to verify your mobile number with a one-time password.

10) Then, you will get Rs 5 or Rs 10 or Rs 50 respectively in your Paytm wallet.

11) You can use this money from your Paytm wallet while making recharge or any purchase on Paytm.

Do you know what it is Bingo?

Bingo is the market leader in finger snacks, you might hear about other products of Bingo like:

  • Bingo potato chips salted.
  • Potato chips, cream &
  • Potato chips masala.
  • Chip’s tomato made with

Most of the products of Bingo are available in 4 exciting flavours.

Like the above, Bingo has one more product known as Bingo MadAngles, which has also been classified in 4 exciting flavours.

  • MadAngles Tomato
  • Mad angles masala madness.
  • Achari Masti
  • MadAngles chat Masti.


I hope you like this Paytm offer.

Do you want to share this post with your friends? Then do it.

Also, check out some free recharge offers for more offer posts.

Paytm Bingo MadAngles Offer FAQs:

Does Paytm provides Cashback?

Paytm provides cashback for those users, who participate in this offer.

How Can I use Paytm Bingo MadAngles offer?

Purchase Bingo MadAngles snack pack and redeem code into cashback

At this Point Check Related Offers:

Finally Watch Related Video:

Watch this offer video about the Paytm Bingo Mad Angles.

Paytm Bingo Mad Angles Offer- Get Rs 5+10 Paytm Cash on Every Pack
  1. Bingo med aglas

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